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 Even though more than half of Islamic doctrine is about the non-Muslim, the academic point of view presented in most non-Islamic universities today is an Islamic one.  The same is true of advice given to politicians, the judiciary, economists and other professions. The result is predictable. To address that oversight, the research provided below is from a few of the many experts who take another view.  The non-Islamic perspective. 

Politics, Law & Finance

and Religion

Law Enforcement and National Security

Women, Slavery
and Apostates

Additional Research
and Statistical Analysis

‘Is Mohammed a descendent of Ishmael?’ from ‘Islam in Light of History’  Dr. R. Amari'  (article)

'Sources of Islam, A Persian Treatise'  Rev. W. St. Clair-Tisdall 
(archived bk 1901)

'The Koran Did Not Originate in Mecca or Medina'  R M Kerr (paper)


Statistical Analysis of Doctrine

Dr. B. Warner

Statistical Analysis of Jihad.
Religion of Peace Website

Livestream with Lloyd De Jongh: Video

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