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For 1400 years, knowledge about the foundational doctrine of Islam has been limited to the very few who were able to comprehend the classic Arabic of the scholars.  Over that time, Islam has grown to encompass and affect the lives of millions of people creating a demand for more information from both an Islamic and a non-Islamic perspective. Improved literacy, quality translations and electronic availability of both the Koran and Hadith have finally made this infomation available to all. 

The foundational doctrine of Islam has as much to say about the non-believer as it does about the believer.  It is for that reason, to aid anyone wanting to learn more about Islam and how to discover this information for themselves, that this website has been created.     

Perspectives on Islam

- from a non-Muslim

Allah and Mohammed are the guiding lights of Islam.  If you know Allah and Mohammed, you know Islam.

The Koran and Hadith (detailed stories and traditions about Mohammed) are the highest sources used by Islamic scholars but they are not in chronological order.  To understand them, they must be read in the context of Mohammed's life called the 'Sira' 
The short tutorial below will demonstrate how easy it is to find accurate and reliable information  on the  topic of your choice using the foundational doctrine.


Koran and Hadith (Islamic)

I recommend comparing translations.

Hadith (traditions about Mohammed)
Koran, Hadith & commentaries


Hadith (not readily available in print)

*recommend the Hilali/Khan translation as the most commonly read, several languages available and helpful commentary from ibn Kathir, al Tabari etc..

Sira and Sharia (Islamic)

A translation of ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah' from the 8th Century and is recognized as one of the best.


Sharia:  is the 'ordained way' of Islam.

This Manual is a guide to many of the well known requirements of Islam found in the Koran and 'Sunnah' (example) of Mohammed.  Sharia is considered to be sacred and addresses virtually every aspect of life.  

How to research Islamic doctrine: Tutorial video

** Check the 'RESOURCES' page for  quality research, videos and other educational material from a non-Islamic perspective.

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